Augur v2 Launches

a year ago

2 min read

The Augur v2 protocol contracts have been successfully deployed to the Ethereum Mainnet. The contracts have been verified on Etherscan, and the deployers address can be found here. The new REPv2 token contract address can be found deployed at the contract address below:

REPv2 Token Contract: 0x221657776846890989a759BA2973e427DfF5C9bB

Exchanges, wallet providers, block explorers and additional services will be updating to the REPv2 contract address over the coming day. If you’re using a service that is not reflecting the new REPv2 token contract, please send them a message and let them know.

Augur v2 Deployment

The Augur v2 client’s source code has been released at the Augur Github. A collection of user resources can be found in the brand new Augur Help Center. Additionally, with Augur v2’s deployment also comes a rebranding of Augur, which we hope you enjoy just as much as we do!

REP to REPv2 Migration

Current REP holders will need to manually migrate their REP to the new REPv2 token to participate in the Augur v2 reporting system. You can migrate your REP to REPv2 within the Augur Client. If you hold your REP on a custodial exchange, please look for their statements in regards to how they plan on addressing the REPv2 migration. A list of current statements can be seen here and will be kept updated.

If an exchange or service has not yet disclosed a plan for migrating to REPv2, do not fear, there is nothing to worry about. There is no immediate requirement to migrate REP to the new REPv2 upon deployment. The only time in which migration from REP to REPv2 would become a necessity is if an Augur v2 market entered into the forking process. Read more on Use It or Lose It here.

If you wish to migrate immediately, you can withdraw your REP tokens to a personal wallet and migrate yourself within the Augur Client. The REP token will remain freely transferable forever as it has no freezing, pausing or administrative functionality, however, it will retain no functional use within Augur v2 without migration to REPv2.

If you are an exchange you can read about the REPv2 migration process here, and utilize an automatic REP to REPv2 migration script published here.

Please follow the Augur Twitter or join the Augur Discord for questions, conversations and updates.

Augur v2 Contract Addresses

Wrap Up & Thank You

The Augur v2 protocol has been years in the making and the words of encouragement received today are greatly appreciated. Augur v2 couldn’t have been built if not for the hundreds of unique contributors to this open source project. A huge thank you to all the persons and teams who have worked relentlessly to build out the infrastructure required to support a fully decentralized, peer to peer oracle and prediction market protocol.

Please bear with the core development team and maintainers in the coming days as there will undoubtedly be unknown and unexpected issues and quirks that arise as new users begin to introduce themselves to Augur v2. If you find an issue or have a comment, please file an issue in the Augur Github or join the Augur Discord chat. Follow up content and additional blog posts will be coming out over the rest of this week.

Augur is built from the ground up for people like you, by people like you. Thank you once again to everybody who has contributed to this project over the past five years and assisted in making this possible. We look forward to what the future brings for Augur.